Saturday, 10 April 2010

The King Bed - stage 2 : head board construction (day 3)

Ok, this is going to be a really short blog entry as I'm pretty much physically ruined. The construction of the headboard has really taken it out of me today. The total weight I would put in the vicinity of about 70-80kgs.

The main boards have been cut to size and rebates run where required so in theory one would think there wasn't much to do in order to complete the head board, well you'd be wrong. The wood hadn't yet been grinded so that was the first task for the day after the obligatory trip to Bunnings this morning. See the thing is I broke my first power tool last weekend and desperately needed a new power drill as somehow I managed to snap the head bolt clean off the drill. No hardware store has a M5 reverse thread bolt and I won't be able to do much about that until I contact the manufacturer.

With my new drill in hand I was able to secure the floor boards to a couple of strips of pine stud. This made it a lot more rigid than the temp ply bracing that I had in place. Ok, so we've still only got the grinding of the posts left hey? Well, this is where my day went from ok to filthy dirty and extremely painful. I spent the next 3 hours grinding the 3 posts with a wire brush. By the end of it I had cramps in my hands, back and I was getting pretty light headed. It was worth it though as the wood has turned out AWESOME. The grinding however did leave a huge amount of dirt and dust, both on me and the ground. By the time I'd swept it all into a nice little pile I was looking about about 4ltrs worth (volume wise).

Now that the posts had been hit with the grinder it was time to bolt things together. Sporting a nice new keyless chuck hand drill I set to work in drilling all the pilot holes for the coach screws. An hour later (yeah yeah I'm pretty nackered by the stage) I had it all together, just in time for the whifey to view upon her return from her walk to the shops.

Having received the heart foundation tick of approval from the whifey I set about dismantling everything and moving it all upstairs into the bedroom - piece by piece this happened slowly. My only problem was that I had to move the bed out of the way on my own in order to reconstruct the bed head. Pain, oh the pain. I am pleased though as I eventually got it all bolted together and it looks a million bucks. I think the next project will be to work on the side tables to bring them into alignment with the style of the bed.

As always, here's some eye candy for ya'll. Keep in mind though that it all still needs to be waxed and apologies for the typos in this post.

[comparison between raw and grinded]

[close up of cleaned and grinded post]

[comparison between raw and grinded]

[top post and bolt detail]

[lower corner detail]

[finished head board prior to moving it upstairs]

[final corner detail]

[front shot detail]

[full shot showing final product]

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